yellow bulb filters w 1 MAGNETIC FOOT HOLD in 2 & 4 inch CIRCLES or 4 inch OCTAGONS or SQUARES w OPTIONAL FINIAL
$ 14.49
These light hygiene filters are designed to magnetically hold onto either 2 and/or 4 inch face-diameter SORAA "snap-on" LED lamps directly.
These filters work well in desk lamps that are fitted with Soraa LED snap-on lamps.
Also these filters work with ceiling fixtures found on this website, when these fixtures are fitted with a Soraa "snap-on" lamp.
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Filter price range is $14.49 - $36.32, depending on options selected.
Explore the pictures of the variants of this filter. These filters are held magnetically to the magnet on the face of SORAA snap-on LED lamp for the convenience of quick and easy attachment and removal.
Because it is assumed that a person will want to attach and remove this filter daily.
The high efficiency and high color rendering index bulb (individually sold on this website, or with a fixture), is intended to address tasks requiring high brightness and accurate color rendering for high and accurate human productivity. Unfortunately, the attachment of these filters lowers the color rendering index, and reduces light efficiency, but marvelously addresses light hygiene issues, which light hygiene issues may only occupy a percentage of the total time the lamp/fixture/bulb is used.
For example, a person may choose to prepare dinner with lights on and no filter attached (to enhance productivity and color rendering) and then attach the filter (to enhance light hygiene) during or after the dinner is served. The high color rendering lamps sold on this website are ideal for food preparation, with a color rendering index of 95. Sunlight is 100.
Thus, for circadian-rhythm - entrainment these filters will be attached only during needed times and then removed for high productivity/utility purposes, in the same timing- manner as light hygiene eyewear is used. Click here for instructions as to HOW/WHEN TO USE LIGHT HYGIENE EYEWEAR.
The same usage principle applies to the light-phobia migraine relief filtering; to be attached as needed, and removed when not needed.
But, for the purpose of low vision due to macular degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa, one may choose to leave a filter on permanently.
The red filter is for entraining circadian rhythm for day-time sleep for persons who work night-shift and desire "zero-blue and green light" in their living-space hours before attempting sleep.
The orange filter is for entraining the circadian rhythm for night-time sleep.
The yellow filter is for low vision persons, to entrain circadian rhythm for evening sleep, and/or for retina protection for all occasions caused by retinitis pigmentosa or macular degeneration.
The dark green filter is for migraine relief, as pure dark green light soothes migraine.
All four light hygiene filters share the same color-transparency-curves of the complimentary four kinds/lens colors of light hygiene eyewear found on this website.
1) Filter color: each filter style is available in red, orange, yellow or green; regardless if a picture is provided of what a specific style looks like in a particular color, or not.
2) Filter shape: the 2 inch filter only comes as a circle, but the 4 inch filters also is available in square and octagon shapes.
3) Finial options: acorn nut, nickel cap, brass globe, glass globe, nickel spear or no finial but rather the adapters for customers creative finial choices of both/either 1/4-27 or 1/8 IPS finial thread sizes.
LED Bulb with MAGNETIC FACE MR16 Style 10, 25, 36 or 60 DEGREE BEAM
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